Monday, January 28, 2008

What were you doing when you found out???

I would like if everyone would be willing to share what they were doing when they heard the news about our beloved friend, and prophet passed away! please keep your comments "clean" of course and please share if willing to do so.

I had been having a really stressful/crazy week...I was sitting in my room, on my bed, lights off, with a roommate. We were talking about different things...One in particular was about a problem we both have with opening up to people--I, personally, was trying to sort out the psychological stresses I was going through. I had texted my mom about a familial question a while before, but as I was talking with my roommate, my mom called. I was talking with her on the phone when I received a text from a dear, dear friend of mine who asked whether I'd "heard the sad news". I didn't recognize the number, as it was on a new phone, so I texted back that I hadn't heard anything. I blew it off...About fifteen minutes later, I received another text from another very, very close friend. It broke the news. At this point, I was still on the phone with my mom and my roommate was still in the room. As I read the news, everything around me disappeared. I finally reacted: I gasped and immediately started to cry. The only thing I could say was, "No. No, no. Oh, no." I tried to formulate coherent sentences and tell my mom what had happened. I handed the text to my roommate so she could read it...She gasped and had basically the same reaction I did. She left my room to go to her room and tell our other roommate...I talked with my mom for a little longer, trying to get online to any news site to find the news...All of them were having a really hard time being accessed. There were too many people online, doing the same thing. I went down to the lobby of our building, where several people were watching the breaking news special that had interrupted a television show. We watched that through and talked...This was all right before my ward had ward prayer; it happened to be in the lobby of my building. We sat through ward prayer, sharing memories and testimonies, singing "We Thank Thee, O God, For a Prophet," and just being there together as a ward of young people at BYU, holding each other and rejoicing on President Hinkley's behalf as well as mourning the world's loss of a wonderful man. An experience I will never forget.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had left my family in Utah for a job that i am taking in San Francisco. My evening was very lonely thinking of my family and life. My buddy is going to the U of U Law School and got a text from someone and immediatly texted me. I found out as much as i could and called my wife and texted a few other family and friends. I recieved a testimony of the church under his council and served my mission and married in the Los Angeles Temple under his direction. I feel as though he is my Prophet. I knelt down and thanked my Father for a wonderful man. I thought of the reunion with his beautiful wife more than anything. What an amazing man. Suddenly i did not feel lonely. My thoughts and prayers are with his family and am grateful to have stood with such a man.