Monday, January 28, 2008

memories and sentiments and tributes of president hinckley

so i would like to post some tributes, memories, stories etc. that people have with and of President Hinckley on this blog! so everyone can share in this time and we all can mourn in our own ways and the way we best know how.

President Hinckley was an outstanding man and example to us all. I was very sad at first and felt kind of lost, but I know he gets to spend Valentine's day with his sweet wife and he is very happy. I look forward to the Rexburg Temple dedication and ceremonies this coming weekend and I know he will be there.

One of my many favorite things that President Hinckley said was just after Sister Hinckley passed away. He said, "She was always the woman of my dreams, and now, once again she is the woman of my dreams." I am so grateful for everything he taught me. I agree with others on the fact that he was also "my" prophet. I am thrilled with the reunion he is having. He is probably meeting all the many prophets from the past. What a grand reunion.

I love President Hinckley! I loved his sense of humor and the way he did what needed to be done in such a great way. He'll always have a special place in my heart because he was the prophet while I was growing up. I'm sure he's happy to be reunited with his wife and the Savior now, but he sure will be missed.

President Hinkley sure leaves behind a legacy of faith and love for us all to live by.

I found out last night.. about an hour after it had happened.. i couldn't breathe.. then i stopped and thought.. He is with his wife now.. how much better that is for him than to continue on here.. without her..
My mom always said everyone had "their" prophet.. the one they learned most from.. the one they grew up with... Pres. Hinckley was "my" prophet... I grew up with his testimony at conference. I grew to love his voice, and see him carry the cane he refused to use..
I love him. I will miss him a great deal.. and when the time comes.. i can't wait to see him again.. and tell him thank you for all he did for us here.
"Well done thou good and faithful servant"

***More to be added later...***

As for my own personal thoughts on President Hinkley's death and my testimony: I pray that we can all remember our late prophet for all he was and still is and forever will be; set the example he'd want you to set. We represent the Church and God and Jesus Christ. Don't do anything that would show them in a bad light, but even more importantly, do everything you can to show them (and yourselves) in a good light. Remember that in this time of politics, when the world has had its eye on the Church because of Mitt Romney, the focus will narrow even more at this time when people would expect our Church to stumble, our faith to wane, and our beliefs to crumble. Remember that this day marks the beginning of a new time for our Church and also (especially) for the world at large. It has been said/observed that when a prophet dies, he reports to God the events that transpired in his time on Earth and the world sees, in the ensuing time, the effects of that report. My bishop warned my ward tonight: Watch what happens this year. We all know that President Hinkley paid specific attention to temple work and to the youth of the Church. It is our responsibility--now more than ever--to carry the mark of that wonderful man and hold our light for the world to see. Apply yourselves more vigorously to temple work than ever before. Prepare yourselves to carry the Church; this generation is so important. We will be instrumental in the work to be performed. We have an incredible responsibility. My brothers and sisters, perform. Watch. Remember. Remember who you are. I love you. God bless.

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